Bin Ham Electro mechanical

Bin Ham Electrical and Mechanical Company founded in 1988. It established itself as one of the leading companies in the fields of electrical, mechanical engineering, and civil projects. In coincide of continuous development; the company established, recently, fully equipped workshops in Abu Dhabi, AL Mufrag, Suihan and Liwa. These workshops include a workshop for electromechanicalworks and other one for mechanisms, in addition to a workshop for vehicles maintains. All these workshops were provided by all machinery and equipment. They employ more than 2000 qualified employees using a fleet of 300 vehicles. The aim behind the establishing of these works hops is to meet the different needs of the group’s activities and to accelerate projects completion process, as well as to raise the level of performance, and ensure the quality of products and services.The company is implementing strong policies and procedures for health and environment protection, in accordance to the local and international levels, and it takes into account the legal and regulatory requirements to maintain public health and protect the environment.

- The Main Roads
- Sewage Treatment Plants
- Main and Subsidiary
- Sewage Networks
- Main Sewage Networks
- Major Irrigation Networks
- Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation Works
Our Work Gallery